2017-2018 Samford University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Henry W. Glotfelty, Interim Chair, Professor
Sanjiv Kumar Jha, Assistant Professor
Eric Remington, Instructor
Undergraduate Programs and Requirements
The Department of Physics offers two majors: physics (leading to a bachelor of science or bachelor of arts degree) and engineering physics (leading to a bachelor of science degree).
The department also offers a dual-degree engineering program in conjunction with the engineering schools of several regional universities. The five-year program leads to two degrees: a bachelor of science degree from Samford with a major in engineering physics, and a bachelor of engineering degree from the participating university. (See the Undergraduate Dual-Degree Engineering Program section below for more details.)
Students interested in pursuing an engineering career need not necessarily enter the dual-degree program. Since mathematics, physics, computer science, and chemistry are basic in all engineering curricula, students taking basic courses in these fields are well prepared to transfer to any engineering school. At Samford, students can complete half the curriculum required in any of the following fields of engineering: mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, highway, and aeronautical. Interested students are advised to check with several engineering schools to determine which Samford courses would transfer directly.
To obtain a major in physics, engineering physics, or through the dual degree program, students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.50 in mathematics and physics courses. Additionally, to receive a bachelor of science degree in physics, but not through the dual degree program, students must complete a senior thesis. See the department chair for details.
The department also offers a minor in physics.
General Education: University Core Curriculum and Distribution Requirements
See General Education Overview in the Howard College of Arts and Sciences introductory pages for a list of required and applicable courses.
For a major or minor in physics or a major in engineering physics, the general education mathematics requirement is satisfied by MATH 240 - Calculus I (4) . For a major in physics or engineering physics, the general education natural and computational sciences requirement is satisfied by CHEM 205 - Foundations of Chemistry (4) , with its associated laboratory CHEM 206 , and PHYS 203 - Physics I (5) . Physics and engineering physics majors cannot use COSC 107 - Introduction to Computer Science (4) to fulfill this requirement.
Undergraduate Dual-Degree Engineering Program
The Department of Physics offers a dual-degree engineering program jointly with the following universities: University of Alabama at Birmingham, Auburn University, and Mercer University (Georgia). The five-year program leads to two degrees: a bachelor of science degree from Samford with a major in engineering physics, and a bachelor of engineering degree from the participating university.
Students in this five-year program will first pursue a three-year general curriculum at Samford, followed by a two-year general technical curriculum at one of the participating engineering schools. Students apply to the engineering school during their third year at Samford. Applications must include a letter of recommendation from the chair of the physics department, as well as documentation that the candidate will complete the required coursework at Samford. Candidates must satisfy the admission requirements for the participating engineering school, and should contact the school well in advance of application. The program consists of 96-108 credits at Samford (depending on placement in world languages). Please see the department chair for further information.
Of related interest: IDSC 201 - Scientific Methods (4) .
Note on Special Problems courses: A maximum of five credits total for PHYS 461 , PHYS 471 , and/or PHYS 481 may count toward graduation requirements.
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