2012-2013 Samford University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Kenneth B.E. Roxburgh, Chair, S. Louis and Ann W. Armstrong Professor
David R. Bains, Professor
Penny L. Marler, Professor
James R. Barnette, Associate Professor
T. Scott McGinnis, Associate Professor
Joseph F. Scrivner, Assistant Professor
James R. Strange, Assistant Professor
Undergraduate Programs and Requirements
Religion Major, B.A.
Religion with a Concentration in Congregational Studies
Ministry and Missions Minor
Religion Minor
The Department of Religion offers two majors: religion and, for students preparing for a career in ministry, religion with a concentration in congregational studies. Both majors earn the bachelor of arts degree. The department also offers two minors: one in religion and another in ministry and missions.
University Core Curriculum and General Education Requirements
See University Core Curriculum and General Education Requirements in the Howard College of Arts and Sciences introductory pages for a list of required and applicable courses. Students cannot use RELG 200 - Christian Ethics , RELG 201 - Introduction to World Religions , or RELG 221 - Christian Theology to count towards both the general education humanities requirement and the religion major or minor requirement.
Congregational Studies Concentration
The department offers a concentration in congregational studies within the Religion Major, B.A. for students preparing for a career in ministry. Students who intend to concentrate in congregational studies must choose at least one course in Area I, at least one course in Areas II and III, and three courses in Area IV. In addition, religion majors with a concentration in congregational studies have the option of completing RELG 499 - Senior Seminar in Congregational Ministry instead of RELG 498 - Senior Seminar . ProgramsMajorMinorCoursesBiblical LanguagesReligion
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