2012-2013 Samford University Catalog 
    Jan 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Samford University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Beeson School of Divinity

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Timothy F. George, Ralph W. Beeson Dean and Professor
David S. Hogg, Associate Dean and Associate Professor
Burch R. Barger, Administrative Dean
Sherri Brown, Director of Admissions
Mark A. Searby, Director of Doctor of Ministry Studies
James C. Pounds, Jr., Director of the Extension Division
Thomas L. Fuller, Director, Ministry Leadership Development, Placement, and Assessment
Carolyn Lankford, Advancement Officer
Benjamin Smith, Alumni Relations Officer
Vickie J. Gaston, Curator of the Chapel


Charles T. Carter, James H. Chapman Fellow of Pastoral Ministry
Lyle W. Dorsett, Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism
Graham Arthur Cole, Beeson Professor
Allen P. Ross, Beeson Professor
Frank S. Thielman, Beeson Professor
Paul R. House, Professor
Kenneth A. Mathews, Professor
Robert Smith Jr., Professor
Douglas D. Webster, Professor
Carl L. Beckwith, Associate Professor
D. Mark DeVine, Associate Professor
Mark S. Gignilliat, Associate Professor
Patricia A. Outlaw, Associate Professor
M. Sydney Park, Associate Professor
Gisela H. Krelinger, Assistant Professor
Piotr Malysz, Assistant Professor
Osvaldo Padilla, Assistant Professor
Gerald L. Bray, Research Professor
Calvin A. Miller, Research Professor and Distinguished Writer-in-Residence


On February 9, 1988, the Board of Trustees of Samford University authorized the establishment of a School of Divinity beginning in the 1988-89 academic year. In one sense this action fulfilled the founding purpose of the University adopted in 1841, which provided for “the establishment of a Theological Institution, connected with the college hereinafter established.”

In December 1988, the Samford Board of Trustees voted to name the school the Beeson School of Divinity in honor of Ralph Waldo Beeson and his late father, John Wesley Beeson. Ralph Beeson provided the largest gift from a living individual in Samford history to establish the only divinity school at that time at a Baptist college or university in the nation. In its first year, Beeson School of Divinity secured the dean, four full-time faculty, and two adjunctive faculty, and enrolled 32 students.

The School of Divinity, like other entities of Samford University, is open to persons from all denominations. The confessional context in which the faculty teaches is defined by the Baptist Faith and Message Statement of 1963. The school offers quality theological education in a Christian university setting from an explicitly evangelical perspective. Non-Baptist faculty teach in accordance with their own convictions on matters of denominational distinctives.

Graduate Programs and Requirements


Theological Studies, M.A.T.S. 
Divinity, M.Div. 
Master of Divinity with Emphasis in Church Music, M.M./M.Div. 
Ministry, D.Min. 


Master of Arts in Theological Studies/Juris Doctor (M.A.T.S./J.D.)
Master of Divinity/Juris Doctor (M.Div./J.D.)
Master of Divinity/Master of Business Administration (M.Div./M.B.A.)
Master of Divinity/Master of Music (M.Div./M.M.)
Master of Divinity/Master of Science in Education (M.Div./M.S.E.)

Below are brief summaries of the degree requirements for the M.A.T.S., M.Div. and D.Min. degrees, as well as joint degrees. Students seeking to enter a joint degree program must meet admission requirements for both schools participating in the joint program. Please refer to the Beeson School of Divinity Bulletin for further information on all curricular listings. To obtain a divinity school bulletin, application forms, or additional information, write the Director of Admissions, Beeson School of Divinity, Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama 35229, or call 1-877-575-0595 or (205) 726-2066.

Joint-Degree Programs


The M.A.T.S./J.D. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson School of Divinity and the Cumberland School of Law, allows students to use crossover electives for the other degree, thus reducing the credits for both professional degrees from 129 to 109. Students must complete their first year of law school before beginning work in the divinity school.


The M.Div./J.D. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson School of Divinity and the Cumberland School of Law, allows students to use crossover electives for the other degree, thus reducing the credits for both professional degrees from 186 to 158-159. Students must complete their first year of law school before beginning work in the divinity school.


The M.Div./M.B.A. joint-degree program, offered by the Beeson School of Divinity and the School of Business, allows students to pursue the master of divinity degree and the M.B.A. degree concurrently. The program is designed to enrich the educational opportunities available to students in the separate disciplines by encouraging interdisciplinary approaches to ministry preparation and organizational problems that directly impact churches and other religious institutions. Students take 84 credits of coursework in the divinity school and 24-42 credits in the business school. Students interested in this joint program should apply to the School of Business for admission into the M.B.A. program at the conclusion of the first year of the M.Div. program. This joint degree program is currently under review. Contact the Beeson School of Divinity for more information.


The M.Div./M.M. joint-degree program, offered in conjunction with the School of the Arts, allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree. Divinity students must qualify for admission to the M.M. program no later than the beginning of the third semester of M.Div. work.


The M.Div./M.S.E. joint-degree program combines work in the Beeson School of Divinity and the School of Education and Professional Studies. Twelve credits of education-degree coursework are accepted as part of the elective requirement of the M.Div. degree. Crossover credit from the divinity degree to the education degree is determined on a case-by-case basis as may be allowable within government regulations concerning teacher certification. Students normally are required to complete the first year of the M.Div. before beginning work in the School of Education and Professional Studies.

Nondegree Divinity Programs

Extension Division

The Extension Division is a nondegree program of lifelong theological education that prepares and equips Christian leaders for service in God’s Kingdom. This program was begun in 1947 and became part of Beeson School of Divinity in 1988. Students who complete extension division courses earn certificate credit and continuing education units (CEUs).

The Extension Division offers instruction that is Biblically based, ecumenical, and administered with the highest integrity. The desired outcome of this program is transformed people who serve God in His Kingdom with excellence, confidence, and kindness.

Beeson School of Divinity and Samford University cooperate with local Christian associations and organizations in providing these courses for adult students from various educational backgrounds. The Extension Division curriculum includes biblical, theological, and practical ministry courses led by qualified and experienced instructors.

Over the last six decades, thousands of ministers and lay persons have received invaluable training through the Extension Division’s local centers, prison centers, and on-campus classes and conferences. Approximately 30 of these schools operate across the state of Alabama.

Entrance Requirements

Classes are offered on a semester-to-semester basis. All students applying for admission to Extension Division classes must be at least 18 years of age and will be considered without regard to race, color, or national or ethnic origin. The Extension Division reserves the right to refuse admission or readmission to any student or prospective student.


Students can earn certificate credit based on the number of course hours that the individual has completed. Continuing education units (CEUs) are available upon request. Units of credit do not apply to a college degree.

For further information contact:

Extension Division
Samford University
Birmingham, Alabama 35229
Phone: (205) 726-2731 or (205) 726-2338.

Global Center

The Global Center in the Beeson School of Divinity exists to help people know their world, help people serve God in the world, and help the world know God through Jesus Christ. It serves as a research and networking center for the dissemination of information on Christian mission worldwide.

The Global Center exhibit area highlights cross-cultural Christian witness, and major issues of concern for the twenty-first century that affect that witness. Exhibit area computers offer a wealth of material on global issues and Christian ministry through carefully selected and regularly updated subscription-based Internet services and CD-ROMs.

Global Center staff is involved in teaching; speaking in church and academic settings; hosting conferences; facilitating short-term missions, mission research, and publishing.

For additional information please contact:

The Global Center
Beeson School of Divinity
Samford University
Birmingham, Alabama 35229-2268
Phone: (205)726-2170
Fax: (205)726-2271
Web site: www.beesondivinity.com/globalcenter

Beeson School of Divinity Tuition and Fees
for Academic Year 2012-2013*

The following tuition and fees apply to Samford Divinity students. Unless otherwise indicated, all fees are due on or before the e-bill payment due date. Click here  for payment regulations and refund notes, if applicable. For basic tuition and fees that apply to all or most graduate students, see Financial Information .
Description Student Classification Expense Notes
Tuition Deposit All Divinity Students $200 Nonrefundable; Due upon acceptance
Less than 9 credits - Fall, Spring Part-Time Master’s Degree Divinity Students $511/credit  
9 to 16 credits - Fall, Spring Full-Time Master’s Degree Divinity Students $5,380/semester  
More than 16 credits - Fall, Spring Full-Time Master’s Degree Divinity Students $511/credit  
All credits - Summer Term and Jan Term All Master’s Degree Divinity Students - Summer or Jan Term $205/credit/term  
Doctor of Ministry All Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) Students $344/credit (each semester)  
Doctor of Ministry Continuation Fee All D.Min. Students granted extension beyond fourth year $1,000/semester  
Joint Degree Joint Degree Divinity Students By Classification  
Extension Division**
Institute Program All Extension Division Students $40/course  
Registration Fee All Extension Division Students $10/semester  
Application Fee - Master’s Degree Program All Master’s Degree Divinity Students $35/application Nonrefundable; Due at time of application
Application Fee - Doctor of Ministry Program All Doctor of Ministry Students $50/application Nonrefundable; Due at time of application
Books and Supplies All Master’s Degree Divinity Students $800-900 (estimate) Cash/check/credit card due at time of purchase
Books and Supplies All Doctor of Ministry Students $700 (estimate) Same as above
Campus Life Fee All Divinity Students $35/term  
Reinstatement Fee (all terms) All Divinity Students $100/term, as applicable  
Technology Fee - Jan Term All Divinity Students $25/term  
Technology Fee - Summer All Divinity Students $40/term  
Technology Fee - Fall, Spring All Divinity Students $135/semester  

* For complete details and additional information, contact the Director of Admissions and Recruitment, Beeson School of Divinity, Samford University, Birmingham, AL 35229-2252 or phone (205) 726-2991 or (800) 888-8266.
** The Extension Division Program is a non-degree seeking program. Courses do not earn college credit. For complete details and additional information, contact the Extension Division, Samford University, Birmingham, AL 35229-2252 or call (205) 726-2731 or (205) 726-2338.
NOTE 1: See here  for a list of General Miscellaneous Fees (Vehicle Registration/Decal, ID Replacement, etc.) that apply to ALL students.
NOTE 2: Fees are subject to change without notice. See the Bursar’s Office Web site for the latest tuition and fee info: http://www.samford.edu/bursar/

NOTE ON PAYMENT/REINSTATEMENT: Charges incurred after the e-bill has been generated for the semester/term are due on or before the payment due date. Charges incurred during the drop/add period are due when incurred. Late fee of 5% (capped at $100) will be applied to the past due balance if payment not received in the Bursar’s Office by the due date. To avoid registration cancellation and reinstatement fee, students should pay all tuition and fees by the payment due date. See Billing, Payment, & Refund Schedule  for dates for e-bill, payment due, refund availability, late fee assessment, and registration cancellation.


Departments and Program Offerings