2012-2013 Samford University Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2012-2013 Samford University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

About Samford University

For more than 170 years, Samford University and its students have impacted the world with their academic achievement and leadership skills. At the University’s core is a foundation of Christian values and belief, a mission to nurture persons for God, for learning, forever that has withstood the test of time. Because of the united dedication to this mission, Samford students discover that professors, administrators, and staff encourage them to reach their highest potential intellectually, spiritually, and socially. The rewards are numerous, and the impact on individual lives is endless.


Samford University is a Christian community focused on student learning.

Samford was founded in 1841 by Alabama Baptists. In the present day, it maintains its ties to Alabama Baptists, extending and enhancing their original commitment by developing and maintaining in the campus community an exemplary Christian ethos and culture.

Samford University’s corporate expression of faith commitment is The Statement of Baptist Faith and Message of 1963, without amendment.

Samford offers associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and professional doctoral degrees, as well as continuing education and various types of worthwhile, non-degree learning.

Samford serves students through eight organizational units: Howard College of Arts and Sciences , School of the Arts , Brock School of Business , Beeson School of Divinity , Orlean Bullard Beeson School of Education and Professional Studies , Cumberland School of Law , Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing , and McWhorter School of Pharmacy .


The mission of Samford University is to nurture persons in their development of intellect, creativity, faith, and personhood. As a Christian university, the community fosters academic, career, and ethical competency, while encouraging social and civic responsibility, and service to others.

Core Values

Samford University’s particularity is rooted in convictions, essential to its integrity, and expressive of its mission. The Samford community values lifelong:

  • belief in God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.
  • engagement with the life and teachings of Jesus
  • learning and responsible freedom of inquiry
  • personal empowerment, accountability, and responsibility
  • vocational success and civic engagement
  • spiritual growth and cultivation of physical well-being
  • integrity, honesty, and justice
  • appreciation for diverse cultures and convictions
  • stewardship of all resources
  • service to God, to family, to one another, and to the community.


Anchored in Christian understanding, Samford University will be a diverse community, stressing vigorous learning and personal faith, in the Baptist tradition. Within that commonality, the Community will be: innovative in teaching, learning and research; sensitive to global issues; aggressive in self-assessment and continuous improvement. Faithful to its mission, Samford will be known and acknowledged worldwide by holding to its distinctives. The world will be better for it.



Founded and chartered by a group of educational, economic, and Baptist leaders. Opened in January 1842 in Marion, Alabama, as Howard College, named in honor of John Howard, British advocate of prison reform.  


Relocated to the East Lake campus in Birmingham, Alabama  


Established Teacher Education Division  


Gained membership in and accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.    


Established Division of Pharmacy  


Purchased 300-acre site in Homewood, Alabama, for relocation of the campus.  


Relocated to the current Homewood campus with eight buildings  


Acquired the historic and renowned Cumberland School of Law, established in 1847 at Lebanon, Tennessee.  


Elevated to university status and named Samford University in honor of the Frank Park Samford family.  


Designated the Division of Pharmacy as the School of Pharmacy; later renamed McWhorter School of Pharmacy in honor of the R. Clayton McWhorter family.  



Created the School of Business; the Department of Business had been offering degrees since 1922. Named Brock School of Business in 2007.



Elevated the Department of Music to the School of Music. In 2001, became School of Performing Arts with the addition of Theatre Department. The Art Department joined in 2008 to create School of the Arts.  


Acquired the Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing following a merger agreement with Baptist Medical Centers-the first program in Alabama to be accredited by the National League for Nursing in 1955.  


Purchased the London Study Centre, located in the heart of London; later renamed Daniel House in honor of the Daniel family.  


Established the Beeson School of Divinity through the generosity of Ralph W. Beeson.  


Opened the Lucille S. Beeson Law Library to serve Samford’s Cumberland School of Law. Lucille Beeson practiced law in the 1930s and was a distinguished patron of the University.  


Opened the state-of-the-art Sciencenter, with 100-seat planetarium, conservatory, classrooms, research labs, and offices for biology, physics, and chemistry departments. Named William Self Propst Hall in 2009.  


Opened Jane Hollock Brock Hall, a 32,000-square-foot facility for instrumental music, including a 330-seat, state-of-the-art recital hall. Given in honor of Samford benefactor Jane Brock by her husband, Compass Bank founder and Samford trustee Harry B. Brock, Jr.  


Dedicated the 132,000-square-foot Pete Hanna Center, including the 5,000-seat Thomas E. and Marla H. Corts Arena, a fitness/wellness center, and other athletics facilities.  

Samford Facts 

  • Samford is consistently ranked in the top tier of its peer group by U.S. News & World Report and also has been nationally ranked for its academic programs and affordability by The Princeton Review, Forbes, Kiplinger’s and other publications.
  • Selected and recognized for excellence among 60 college first-year programs and among 40 college civic education programs in The Templeton Guide: Colleges that Encourage Character Development.
  • 12:1 ratio of student enrollment to faculty (as defined by the Common Data Set); no students taught by graduate assistants.
  • Five continents host Samford academic programs: North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.
  • Twelve National Merit Scholars enrolled as entering freshmen for Fall 2011.
  • One hundred and two children, ages six weeks through four years, are enrolled at the Children’s Learning Center, which serves as an inclusive demonstration model and laboratory school under the supervision of the Orlean Bullard Beeson School of Education and Professional Studies.
  • Samford annually draws nationally and internationally-recognized speakers from around the world for endowed lecture series and other forums. Previous speakers include former U.S. presidents, British prime ministers, and other personalities representing such areas as business, government, education, ministry, media, law, and health care.
  • The University’s libraries house approximately 1,116,815 volume equivalents.
  • Samford’s fine arts complex include the Leslie S. Wright Fine Arts Center with its 2,700-seat concert hall; Bonnie Bolding Swearingen Hall with the 400-seat Ben F. Harrison Theatre, the 120-seat Bolding Studio and the Samford Art Gallery; and Jane Hollock Brock Hall, which includes a state-of-the-art 330-seat recital hall.
  • Samford has a 700-seat undergraduate chapel and a 400-seat divinity school chapel.
  • Samford is the 87th oldest college or university in America.
  • For Fall 2011, 4,758 men and women enrolled, applying from 47 states. Total enrollment includes students from 20 foreign countries.
  • Approximately 84% of Samford’s 301 full-time faculty have earned a terminal degree.
  • Samford offers 25 degree programs in approximately 110 majors.
  • A 2,000-square-foot conservatory, the only one of its kind in the Southeast dedicated entirely to plants that contain chemicals used in medicines or herbal supplements.
  • Fifty-nine percent of 2011 entering freshmen were in the top 25 percent of their high school class (of those reporting rank). The average ACT score of 2011 entering freshmen was 26.
  • Samford intercollegiate athletics sponsors 17 sports in NCAA Division I, nine for women and eight for men.
  • There are 125 social, faith-based, service, performing, club sport, professional, and honorary organizations, as well as five national fraternities and eight national sororities.
  • A total of 330 computers are available on campus for general student use; all computers offer the latest software and are connected to the Internet; telephone and Internet connections are provided for every resident student. 

University Membership in Educational Organizations 

The University holds membership in the following educational organizations:

Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Alabama Commission on Higher Education
Alabama Council for International Programs
Alabama Council of Graduate Deans
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Dance
American Association for Paralegal Education
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers
American Association of Law Libraries
American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities
American Association of University Women
American College Health Association
American Council on Education
American Library Association
Associated New American Colleges
Association for Continuing Higher Education
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Association of American Law Schools
Association of College and Research Libraries
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges
Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education (BACHE)
Consortium for Global Education
Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Council of Independent Colleges
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
Council for Higher Education Accreditation
International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU)
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
National Athletic Trainers Association
National Association for Legal Assistants
National Network of Church-Related Colleges and Universities
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties
Network of Alabama Academic Libraries
New American Colleges and Universities
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers
Southern Business Administration Association
Southern Regional Education Board
University Continuing Education Association

Samford University is approved by the Alabama Department of Education for the training of teachers, school administrators, supervisors and counselors. The family studies program is approved by the National Council on Family Relations. The paralegal studies certificate program is approved by the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Paralegals 


Samford University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097; (404) 679-4501, to award associate, bachelor’s, master’s, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees. This status was most recently affirmed in 2007, continuing a relationship that Samford has enjoyed with SACS since 1920. The appropriate professional schools at Samford are accredited by: 

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE)
American Bar Association (ABA)
American Dietetic Association (ADA)
Association of Theological Schools (ATS)
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA)
Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (CANAEP)
National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) 

Frequently Asked Questions for New Students

How old is Samford University?

Samford University was founded and chartered in 1841 by a group of educational, economic, and religious leaders.

Can I Visit the Campus?

All prospective students and their parents are encouraged to visit the campus. To schedule your visit, contact: Office of Admission, Samford University, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229, or telephone (800) 888-7218 or (205) SAM-FORD [726-3673].

How Do I Apply for Admission to Samford University?

Contact the Office of Admission for an admission packet (800) 888-7218 or (205) SAM-FORD [726-3673], or mail a request to: Office of Admission, Samford University, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229, or visit the Samford Web site at www.samford.edu.

What are the Admission Requirements?

Admission requirements depend on your student classification, i.e., whether or not you have ever enrolled in college. Please see Admission Procedures and Policies  section of this catalog for definitions and details.

When Do I Apply for Admission?

There is no formal admission deadline, but you are encouraged to complete the application process as soon as possible. For freshmen to be considered for merit based scholarships, applications must be received prior to December 15.

When Will I Know If I Have Been Accepted By Samford?

Letters of admission notification are mailed to applicants on a rolling basis prior to admission in the fall of the same year.

How Much Does It Cost?

A table of tuition and fees for undergraduate day students (full-time and part-time) and graduate students can be found in the Financial Information section of this catalog. Also, there are brief explanations of miscellaneous expenses that may occur during an academic year.

After I Am Accepted To Samford, What Do I Do Next?

Included with your letter of acceptance, you will receive a packet of information including campus residence request forms, and most important, New Student Orientation information. New Student Orientation is coordinated by the Director of Orientation, and is held in June for freshmen and their parents prior to the fall semester. (See the Academic Calendar  for 2012-2013 in this catalog for dates.) During this two-day orientation, students and parents will be introduced to campus services, faculty, staff, and various other elements of Samford. Parents will not want to miss this event. Students will participate in one-on-one personal curriculum advising with their academic advisor and course registration. It is a time to relax, get acquainted with Samford, have questions answered, and meet faculty, administration, and classmates. An information session for students transferring to Samford is also held in June and an additional New Student Orientation session is held in August.

How Can I Apply For A Scholarship?

Samford University provides numerous scholarships based on criteria such as academic achievement, leadership skills, need, athletic ability, or field of study. See the Financial Assistance section of this catalog for details or contact the Office of Financial Aid at (205) 726-2905.

What Types of Financial Aid Are Available?

Federal and state financial aid is available in the form of grants, loans, and on-campus job opportunities. Samford offers numerous scholarships to qualified students. You will find details on these and other financial aid programs in the Financial Assistance  section of this catalog.

I Am A Transfer Student. What Do I Need to Do To Enroll In Samford?

Transfer students are welcomed at Samford University and must present academic records that reflect serious academic aims and mature progress toward those aims. See the Admission Policies and Procedures  section of this catalog, or contact the Office of Admission for an admission packet at (800) 888-7218 or (205) SAM-FORD [726-3673], or mail a request to the Office of Admission, Samford University, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229.

I Am An International Student. What Do I Need To Do To Enroll In Samford?

An international student must allow six months to complete the necessary paperwork prior to admission and enrollment date. See the Admission Policies and Procedures section of this catalog, or contact the Office of Admission for an admission packet at (800) 888-7218 or (205) SAM-FORD [726-3673], or mail a request to the Office of Admission, Samford University, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35229, or the Samford Web site at www.samford.edu.

Do I Need A Computer?

The recommendation is that resident students bring a student-owned computer to campus. Samford provides student access to five computer labs on campus. Many departments also have computer labs that support their specialized needs. All resident students may access the Samford University network from their room. Wireless access is available to all students in most places on campus. Contact the Technology Services Help Desk for more detailed information at (205) 726-2662 or e-mail support@samford.edu. Also, see Computer Services and Resources in the Campus Life, Services, and Facilities  section of this catalog.

What Choices Do I Have For A Major?

There are approximately 110 majors available from eight colleges and schools. A complete list of undergraduate majors and degrees offered can be found in the Academic Policies and Regulations  section of this catalog. There you will also find a list of minors, certificates, and graduate and professional degrees offered.

I Am Undecided about A Major. What Do I Do?

The assistant dean of the Howard College of Arts and Sciences oversees undeclared majors and furnishes guidance through the services of a Career Counselor. To further aid a student with this decision, a required curriculum of six courses, known as the University Core Curriculum, has been designed to provide an academic foundation for work toward a major field of study. See Bachelor’s Degree Requirements in the Academic Policies and Regulations  section of this catalog for further information and details on the University Core Curriculum.

How Do I Declare A Major?

Each student must declare a major by the junior year and file it with the Office of Student Records.

I Do Not Live In Birmingham. Where Can I Live? Can I Live On Campus?

All unmarried, undergraduate day students are required to live on campus for four semesters (typically through the sophomore year), unless they live at home with a parent or guardian. See Residence Life  in the Campus Life, Services, and Facilities  section of this catalog for further information.

May I Have A Car On Campus?

Yes. All motor vehicles on campus must be registered with Transportation Services, and students must comply with all campus vehicle registration requirements, and parking and traffic regulations. See Transportation Services  in the Campus Life, Services, and Facilities  section of this catalog for details.

What Are Some Extracurricular Activities At Samford?

The Campus Life, Services, and Facilities section of this catalog introduces students to the wide variety of annual campus events, musical groups and choirs, student-run publications, radio station participation, student ministries, as well as service and social organizations available to students. In addition, there are chapters of five national fraternities and eight national sororities on campus. Samford is a Division I member of the NCAA and competes in the Southern Conference in basketball, baseball, football, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track, and volleyball. In their years at Samford, students experience opportunities to attend cultural events, to participate in service projects, and to attend the lectures and seminars of outstanding and accomplished national and international VIP visitors.