2018-2019 Samford University Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Healthcare Administration
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Carol J. Ratcliffe, Chair, Professor
Tommy Ray McDougal, Jr., Assistant Professor
Ashley Robertson, Assistant Professor
The mission of the bachelor of science in healthcare administration program is to create servant leaders using a high caliber and innovative curriculum to prepare students to pursue positions in the field of healthcare administration or admission into a graduate program.
The mission of the master of healthcare administration program is to prepare individuals for career transitions in healthcare management careers which foster patient-centered and ethical care.
The Department of Healthcare Administration’s vision is to prepare practice-ready graduates through innovation and quality teaching and learning with a commitment to servant leadership in local and international underserved populations.
Samford’s Department of Healthcare Administration considers the following values central to its success:
- Christian-Based Education: We are committed to integrating our Christian faith and beliefs in our delivery of healthcare administration education.
- Servant Leadership: We are committed to leading through our service. The faculty and students strive to model dynamic leadership that puts others first. We strive to contribute to the benefit of the local and global community as both faculty and students.
- Excellence: We pursue excellence within the department through opportunities for achievement in scholarship, service and research.
- Practice-Readiness: We are committed to preparing students who are ready to practice upon graduation.
- Respect for diversity: We are committed to respecting the differences in others by learning to appreciate the different cultures of the populations that we serve.
- Integrity: We are committed to operating in an environment that values honesty, fairness and the highest ethical standards to sustain a community of trust.
- Empowerment: We encourage personal accountability for success through shared governance in academic pursuits.
The undergraduate healthcare administration program seeks certification through a process comparable to other specialty program accreditations. Once it has satisfied the eligibility criteria, the bachelor of science in healthcare administration will seek certification as an Associate Member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA).
Undergraduate Programs and Requirements
Healthcare Administration Major (B.S.)
Healthcare Administration Minor
Healthcare Compliance Minor
Joint Degree (Undergraduate+Graduate)
Fast Track Master of Healthcare Administration (B.S./M.H.C.A.)
The Department of Healthcare Administration offers a major in healthcare administration leading to a bachelor of science degree, as well as a fast track version for students pursuing both the bachelor’s degree and the master of healthcare administration. The department also offers minors in healthcare administration and healthcare compliance.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and a composite score of 21 on the ACT or 1000 on the SAT.
Progression Policies
In order to progress in the healthcare administration program, students must abide by the degree-specific progression policies. Students who fail to meet the requirements of the progression policy will be placed on probation or terminated from the program.
Students must:
- Have a completed Health Data Record (with all required immunizations) updated annually and on file in the Healthcare Administration department.
- Test negative on drug screens and pass background checks.
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or above on the last 60 hours of coursework. Students who fall below the minimum GPA requirement will be placed on probation for one academic semester to remediate any coursework and/or return to good academic standing. The summer semester and Jan Term do not count against the student but may be used to take coursework to increase the overall GPA.
- Make a grade of C or better in each required HCAD course. Note: A grade of C- or lower constitutes a failure in all required HCAD courses.
- A student will be allowed to take a failed HCAD course only one additional time.
- A student who fails (C- or lower) the same HCAD courses will be terminated from the healthcare administration program.
General Education: University Core Curriculum and Distribution Requirements
General Education Distribution Requirements are noted in the individual degree tables. In those cases where a requirement is not specified, see General Education Overview in the Howard College of Arts and Sciences introductory pages for a list of required and applicable courses.
Fast Track Master of Healthcare Administration (B.S./M.H.C.A.)
Fast Track B.S./M.H.C.A. Admission Requirements
Students must apply for the program in the spring of their freshman year. Applications are accepted from students who have an exceptionally high school GPA, ACT score, and freshman-year GPA. Accepted students will be required to maintain a certain GPA to remain in the program. Students who are accepted into the program begin graduate coursework in the fourth year of study and complete both degrees in five (5) years. Students may earn up to twelve (12) graduate hours that will count toward completing the baccalaureate degree.
Specific Admission Requirements:
- High school GPA of 3.50 or higher.
- Earned a minimum of 3.50 cumulative GPA on all work done at Samford University.
- ACT score of 26 or higher.
- Three letters of reference (at least two from faculty members at Samford University).
Application Process:
- Submit an application in the spring of the freshman year.
- Faculty interview.
Fast Track B.S./M.H.C.A. Progression Policies
- Students granted admission into the Fast Track Master of Healthcare Administration program must maintain a minimum GPA to remain in the program and enroll in graduate courses in the fourth year.
- GPA of 3.40 after 65 semester hours (end of sophomore year)
- GPA of 3.30 after 101 semester hours (end of junior year)
- Students must make at least a B or better in the first semester of all graduate course work.
- Make a grade of C or better in each required HCAD course. Note: A grade of C- or lower constitutes a failure in all required HCAD courses.
- A student will be allowed to take a failed HCAD course only one additional time.
- Students who fail to meet the progression requirements for the Fast Track Master of Healthcare Administration program will be converted to the B.S. in healthcare administration program if the student chooses to remain in the program and has not been otherwise terminated from it.
ProgramsMajorMinorJoint-Degree (Undergrad+Graduate)CoursesHealthcare Administration