2018-2019 Samford University Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2018-2019 Samford University Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University-Wide Academic Opportunities


Academic Success Center


Bridget Rose, Director

The mission of the Academic Success Center (ASC) is to facilitate students’ successful transition through Samford University by identifying and providing academic resources in a highly collaborative and student-centered manner.

The director and assistant director work with Admissions, the schools, Career Development, Counseling offices, and Disability Resources to provide academic assistance as needed. First-year students, both entering freshmen and transfer students, are encouraged to take advantage of the Center’s services.

Academic Support

The ASC assists students in locating campus resources that promote academic success. Interested students can schedule an appointment to discuss their individual situation and needs. The ASC provides additional support and resources to conditionally-admitted students, at-risk students, or students placed on academic warning.

Tutoring is available in several general education courses through a partnership between the ASC and various departments. The ASC also maintains a list of private tutors in various subjects. For current tutoring schedules, please visit the website at www.samford.edu/academic-success-center/.

The ASC also works with faculty and professional advisors to support the advising process. First-year students and transfer students in particular can receive assistance in changing or declaring majors.

Contact Info: 101 Dwight Beeson Hall
                    (205) 726-2698


FOUN 101 - Foundations (1) 
FOUN 102 - Vocation Exploration (1) 
FOUN 201 - Foundations: Peer Mentoring (0-1) 
FOUN 210 - Foundations Special Topics (1 or 2)  

Communication Resource Center


Charlotte Brammer, Director

The Communication Resource Center (CRC), also known as the writing center, is a place for all Samford students to receive free assistance with writing, speaking, and critical reading. From brainstorming to presentation or final draft, students work with trained peer tutors to improve as writers, speakers, and critical readers. In addition to individual tutoring sessions, the CRC periodically offers workshops on major style manuals as well as various aspects of oral and written communication.

The CRC also serves faculty, offering workshops and handouts on assigning and assessing oral and written communication.

Contact info:  Brooks 222

Disability Resources

In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Disability Resources works to ensure that all aspects of a Samford education and campus life are accessible for students with disabilities. Applicants and students with disabilities are encouraged to learn more about accommodations and the process for registering with Disability Resources by visiting their website: www.samford.edu/dr. Students who wish to request accommodations should contact Disability Resources by calling (205) 726-4078, e-mailing disability@samford.edu, or visiting them in their temporary location on the 3rd floor of the Sullivan-Cooney Family Field House.

Global Engagement Office


Lauren Doss, Director of Global Engagement
Jennifer Beck, International Student and Scholar Coordinator
Jill Fisse, Global Engagement Programs Coordinator

Samford offers opportunities to take courses abroad that develop and expand students’ personal, academic, and professional goals. Samford seeks to engage students and faculty with the peoples and cultures of other countries; to provide on-site observation of historical, scientific, and cultural phenomena; and to provide opportunities for foreign language study within the cultural context of the target languages.

The Daniel House

As part of its commitment to internationalization, Samford University provides a special opportunity for students and faculty to live and study in one of the most cosmopolitan and culturally rich cities of the world–London. Daniel House, Samford’s London Study Centre, serves as home and classroom to students and faculty throughout the year in a variety of academic programs.

Daniel House is located in the heart of London near Kensington Gardens, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Museum of Natural History, and the former residences of Winston Churchill, T.S. Eliot, Alfred Hitchcock, and John Lennon. Over 130 years old, the Victorian townhouse serves as the setting for a semester abroad program during fall and spring semesters for students and professors-in-residence from the Birmingham campus. In addition to courses taught by the Samford professors in their fields, British professors present courses that focus on British theatre, history, culture, and life. Students may also participate in experiential learning to complete their course of study.

During Jan Term, the Daniel House is the base for a large number of Samford faculty and students involved in accelerated, specialized courses that take advantage of the London setting. These sessions offer a variety of courses focusing on such subjects as art/drama appreciation, English literature, the British health care system, the theology and history of the English Reformation, and London as a world financial center.

Summer Term in London allows students to do an in-depth study in one interdisciplinary course offered in a four-week term. Students may elect to add travel time at the end of their studies.

In addition to an interdisciplinary course taught by the professor-in-residence, courses listed under “Semester Abroad Courses” are offered in the fall and spring Semester Abroad Program only. Courses taught in Jan Term and in the Summer Term in London vary each term. Current information is available from the Global Engagement Office. For more information on any of the programs based at Daniel House, please contact the Global Engagement Office in Brooks Hall 221, phone (205) 726-2741, or online at http://www.samford.edu/global-engagement/.


Samford University students must meet eligibility requirements to study at the London Study Centre. The applicant must have a minimum 2.50 GPA, must not be on academic or disciplinary probation, and (with the exception of Jan Term) must have sophomore standing or above at the time of participation. Students must have met all prerequisites or requirements for London classes in which they enroll. A student must maintain these standards prior to departure and throughout the term in London and must abide by participation and housing rules; failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program and return home at the expense of the student.

Cost and Activities

See the Financial Information, Undergraduate Tuition and Fees  section for information on study abroad costs. Please note that fees vary by program. For additional information, contact the Global Engagement Office for exact amounts, payment due dates, and/or cancellation and refund policies at (205) 726-2741. See also the Student Financial Services website for the latest tuition and fee info: http://www.samford.edu/admission/tuition-and-fees/.

Semester Abroad: A program fee includes round-trip airfare from Atlanta, airport transfers in London, accommodations at Daniel House for 14 weeks, weekly meal allowance, medical insurance, a weekend excursion, and entrance into various museums and theatres. Tuition is billed separately. Expenses not covered include Greater London transportation, spending money, and individual travel and activities, including the travel break.

Jan Term: The program fee covers round-trip airfare from Atlanta, accommodations at Daniel House during the term, weekly meal allowance, airport transfers in London, medical insurance, and class activities per selection of the professor. Expenses not covered include Greater London transportation, spending money, meals other than breakfast, and individual travel and activities.

Summer Term: The program fee covers round-trip airfare from Atlanta, accommodations at Daniel House during the term, weekly meal allowance, airport transfers in London, and class activities. Expenses not covered include Greater London transportation, spending money, and individual travel and activities.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: Cancellation/withdrawal and refund policies for study abroad programs are different from the policies for on-campus programs. Before registration in any study abroad program, please review the withdrawal and refund policy associated with the program application.

Language Study Abroad

Samford’s Department of World Languages and Cultures, through affiliations with other institutions abroad, offers opportunities for living and studying in the culture of the target language.

Summer Programs: Samford in Spain gives students the choice of studying for five or nine weeks at the Estudio Sampere in Madrid. Students can study in France for five weeks during the summer under the tutelage of French professors at the Université Stendhal, Grenoble. Students of German are offered the opportunity to study for five weeks at Sprachinstitut-Trefpunkt in Bamberg, Germany.

Jan Term: Small, intensive Spanish classes are held for three weeks at the Centro Lingüístico Conversa in Santa Ana, Costa Rica.

Internships: In addition, international internships that require the use of another language are arranged on an individual basis in various professional fields, such as business and missions. For more information about these opportunities, contact the Department of World Languages and Cultures  at (205) 726-2742 or (205) 726-2747.

Universidad Blas Pascal - Cordoba, Argentina

In 2011, Samford established a relationship with The Universidad Blas Pascal (UBP) in Córdoba, Argentina. Blas Pascal (named after the French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal) is the largest private University in Córdoba. UBP offers a special school for foreign students as well as regular university courses. Advanced students will have to prove advanced proficiency in Spanish before being allowed to take regular university courses. UBP offers a wide variety of courses, mainly in Spanish, but also offers some courses in English, primarily in the English department. Internships and service learning opportunities are also possible.

Samford University and The Blas Pascal University have a direct exchange agreement. Up to two Samford students may go to Córdoba each fall semester. Samford students who choose to take courses in Córdoba are responsible for the following: Samford tuition, travel costs to Córdoba, the cost of room and board in Córdoba, and other incidental costs. Although a specific level of Spanish language ability is not required, it is strongly suggested that students have at least an intermediate proficiency in Spanish prior to going to Córdoba, with advanced being preferred. Students interested in applying to UBP should contact the Global Engagement Office in Brooks Hall 221 or call (205) 726-2741 by April 1.

Fall Term only: August to December.

Hong Kong Baptist University - Hong Kong, China

Samford established a relationship with Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) during the 1997-98 academic year, which allows students to study there for one or two semesters. Hong Kong Baptist University is a highly respected university founded by Baptists and serves a multicultural mix of students from around the world. Coursework is offered in English in almost all areas of undergraduate study that Samford offers.

Samford students approved to attend HKBU pay Samford tuition. In addition, the student is responsible for the cost of accommodations, meals, round-trip airfare, an administration fee set by HKBU, and other personal expenses. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Junior or senior students interested in applying to HKBU should contact the Global Engagement Office in Brooks Hall 221 or call (205) 726-2741 early in the semester prior to attendance.

Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten - Weingarten, Germany

In 2006, Samford University established an exchange program with Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten. Located in the picturesque town of Weingarten, the city forms part of a thriving community in southern Germany near both Lake Constance and the Alps. In 1958, Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten was renamed as an educational university. The majority of students at the University of Education follow the basic undergraduate curriculum in education. These courses are divided into degree tracks for primary/junior and secondary/high school. The university offers a wide variety of subjects for teacher training, including humanities, fine arts, and physical education. Samford exchange students may study at the university for either one semester or a full year. Samford students pay Samford tuition and are responsible for room, board, round-trip transportation, local transportation, medical insurance and health service fees, passport and visa costs, course materials, and personal and incidental expenses. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Junior and seniors who are interested in applying to Weingarten should contact the Global Engagement Office in Brooks Hall 221 or call (205) 726-2741 early in the semester prior to attendance.

International Students and Scholars Services

The Global Engagement Office (GEO) provides immigration advisory services and assistance for the community of non-immigrant students, scholars, and employees that the University sponsors. GEO is the primary office responsible for the University’s compliance with the U.S. federal immigration regulations.

International/Semester Abroad Courses

Because of the nature of the program and the small number of participants in a semester, course offerings are limited. It is recommended that students contact the Global Engagement Office early in their academic career to plan for a semester abroad.

INTL 330 - International Internship (1-4) 
INTL 360 - British Heritage and Culture (4) 
INTL 399 - International Study Topics (4) 
INTL 430 - International Independent Study (1-4)  

Bridging London is available under the current disciplines

CLAS 361 - Bridging London (4) 
GEOG 361 - Bridging London (4) 
HIST 361 - Bridging London (4) 
JMC 361 - Bridging London (4) 
POLS 361 - Bridging London (4) 
SOCI 361 - Bridging London (4)  

Other courses vary. Current information is available from the Global Engagement Office.

Health Professions Advising

Health Professions Committee

George Keller, Chair
David Garza

Advising Areas

The quality of pre-professional training for the health sciences is important not only in establishing a firm base for the professional school curriculum but also in providing an intensive cultural background for a full and satisfying life. The health-oriented professional schools, consequently, urge students to get as broad a general education as possible at the undergraduate level. The liberal arts university continues to be the overwhelming preference of the professional schools for the preparation of students for careers in health professions. Samford University has a long tradition of preparing students for careers as physicians, dentists, optometrists, and veterinarians; alumni serve with distinction in every area of health care.

It should be noted that the professional schools have no preferred major; science majors have no advantage over humanities majors in gaining admission to professional school. Therefore, students are encouraged to seek advising in an area they prefer and might use in the future if their career plans change. However, certain minimum math and science requirements must be completed in order to be competitive in the professional school selection process. Recommended advanced science courses will improve students’ competitive edge as well as their readiness for graduate study.

Entrance requirements vary among professional schools, but the basic required science courses are very similar. While making progress toward completing the general education curriculum (including the University core) and major requirements, students also must take the following:

1 year of general biology with lab
1 year of general chemistry with lab
1 year of organic chemistry with lab
1 year of general physics with lab
1 year of mathematics
1 year English composition

The specific courses a student takes will vary somewhat depending on that student’s major; the Health Professions Committee can assist with specific course selection. These minimal courses should be completed during the first three years of study in order to be prepared for professional school admission tests, such as the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), the Dental Admission Test (DAT), or the Optometry Admission Test (OAT).

The Health Professions Committee works closely with students at all stages of their undergraduate career, answering questions concerning career choice, course selection, professional school preparation, and the application process. The committee is also in regular contact with regional professional schools and their admissions directors. Students are strongly advised to make contact with the Health Professions Committee early in their academic career and regularly update the committee on their progress and plans. This frequent contact is crucial since the committee will prepare the student’s composite letter of recommendation, which is sent to the professional schools as part of the application process. In addition, there are many health professions-related activities throughout each academic year, including visits by professional school admission personnel and practicing health care professionals, and students are encouraged to make the most of these opportunities. Contact the Health Professions Committee for more information and/or visit the website at https://www.samford.edu/arts-and-sciences/prehealth-program.

Inter-Campus Exchange Program - Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education (BACHE)

Samford University cooperates with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Miles College, University of Montevallo, and Birmingham-Southern College in a student exchange program known as the Birmingham Area Consortium for Higher Education (BACHE). The program is designed to expand the undergraduate educational opportunities for students at these institutions. This arrangement affords full-time Samford day students the opportunity to enroll in a course at another institution. Through collaboration, consortium members are able to expand education opportunities in critical areas, such as environmental studies and foreign languages.

Credit for work taken at UAB, Miles, Montevallo, or Birmingham-Southern while a student is enrolled for courses during fall or spring semesters at Samford University will be recorded as if earned at Samford University and will be treated as quality credits, not transfer credits. Students who propose to take courses at UAB, Miles, Montevallo, or Birmingham-Southern must obtain approval from the appropriate academic dean and the Office of the Registrar. A student may take only one course in the BACHE program per semester. Registration for this course will be a part of the regular Samford University registration procedure, and students will pay tuition for this course at Samford in the usual manner.

Credit for work taken at UAB, Miles, Montevallo, or Birmingham-Southern during Samford University’s summer terms may be recorded either as exchange credit or as transient credit. Registration for transient credit will be a part of the regular UAB, Miles, Montevallo, or Birmingham Southern registration processes, and students will pay tuition for these courses at either UAB, Miles, Montevallo, or Birmingham-Southern. A Transient Application Form must be completed prior to enrollment. These application forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.

Pre-Law Advising


Marissa Grayson, Pre-Law Advisor


Samford provides a range of services to support students interested in attending law school. For first-year students who have not declared a major, the pre-law advisor serves as the student’s primary advisor, helping freshmen to discern the major that best meets their interests and prepares them for a legal education. Once students have selected a major, the pre-law advisor serves as a mentor, arranging professional development opportunities and guiding pre-law students through their curricular and extra-curricular choices.

A key component of the mentoring experience is a special pre-law section of FOUN 102 (Law) Vocation Exploration: Law  taught by the pre-law advisor every spring. This one-credit course is targeted for second-semester juniors who are planning to apply to law school in their senior year. In addition to covering important material regarding application procedures and preparing for the LSAT, the course helps students to write a personal statement, perfect a résumé, request letters of recommendation, and explore financial aid for law school.

Samford and Cumberland School of Law have created an accelerated law degree program which permits eligible Samford students to complete their undergraduate and law school degree in six years instead of the traditional seven. This accelerated 3-3 program is limited to students in particular undergraduate majors, and eligible students interested in the 3-3 Law Degree Program should work closely with their major advisor and the pre-law advisor to ensure they are taking the proper courses to prepare them for this accelerated program. Acceptance into this program will be determined by the law school based on the same criteria used to evaluate all law school applicants. After successful completion of the first year of classes at Cumberland, the student will be awarded a bachelor’s degree in his/her undergraduate major.

Recommended Course of Study

Samford follows the recommendation of the American Bar Association and encourages students to choose a rigorous undergraduate major supplemented by courses that develop the core skills and values needed to prepare for a sound legal education. To that end, the university does not recommend any particular major for its pre-law students; instead, we focus on skill development, practical experience, and vocational discernment.

Regardless of major, students should strive to develop the following ABA-recommend core skills and values:

  • Analytic/Problem-Solving Skills
  • Critical Reading
  • Writing Skills
  • Oral Communication/Listening Abilities
  • General Research Skills
  • Task Organization/Management Skills
  • Public Service and Promotion of Justice

In addition to these fundamental skills and values, all pre-law students should take courses that develop the following subject competencies recommended by the ABA:

  • A broad understanding of history, including the various factors (social, political, economic, and cultural) that have influenced the development of our society.
  • A fundamental understanding of political thought and of the contemporary American political system.
  • Some basic mathematical and financial skills, such as an understanding of basic pre-calculus mathematics and an ability to analyze financial data.
  • A basic understanding of human behavior and social interaction.
  • An understanding of diverse cultures within and beyond the United States, of international institutions and issues, of world events, and of the increasing interdependence of the nations and communities within our world.

Pre-Law Courses

Students seeking to learn trial advocacy skills may enroll in the following class:
PLAW 100 - Mock Trial (1)  

Students preparing to apply to law school may enroll in the following class:
FOUN 102 (Law) Vocation Exploration: Law  

Mock Trial

As a member of the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA), the Samford Mock Trial Team competes in national and regional trial simulations with teams from other universities. Mock trial gives students the opportunity to develop critical thinking and public speaking skills, as well as knowledge of legal practices and procedures. Competitors develop valuable legal skills, such as constructing opening and closing arguments, employing rules of evidence, and preparing witnesses for direct and cross examinations. The Cumberland School of Law is home to one of the nation’s premiere Trial Advocacy programs, and the pre-law Mock Trial Team, which is coached by two mock trial veterans who are practicing attorneys, seeks to uphold this tradition of excellence

Samford Pre-Law Society

The Samford Pre-Law Society meets regularly to sponsor speakers, interviews, and information sessions on topics of interest to pre-law students. The society is an official campus organization governed by students with an advisory board of faculty and staff members who have expertise in helping students apply to law school. Any Samford student is eligible to join and to participate in its meetings.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Air Force ROTC


Willie J. Brown, Professor, Aerospace Studies


Lacy Gunnoe, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Studies
Michael Hertzog, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Studies

Undergraduate Programs and Requirements

General Military Course (GMC) 
Professional Officer Course (POC)  

Aerospace Studies Minor  

The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Program is offered at Samford University and to students at cross-town schools in the Birmingham area including: Birmingham-Southern College, Miles College, University of Montevallo, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), and Jefferson State Community College. Students enrolling will attend class at Samford. Call the Detachment for course offering details. Students will need the class and lab schedule from the Detachment to help avoid scheduling conflicts (205) 726-2859.

The AFROTC provides college men and women the opportunity to earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force upon graduation from college. The program is divided into the General Military Course (GMC) and the Professional Officer Course (POC). The GMC includes the freshman-level and sophomore-level courses and is open to all students without military obligation. The POC includes the junior-level and senior-level courses for those committed to service on active duty. Uniforms and textbooks for all aerospace studies courses are provided at no charge.

Scholarship Programs

Some freshmen enter AFROTC with a four-year college scholarship. Interested high school students should apply online at www.afrotc.com. Applications are due by December 1 of their senior year in high school.

Most freshmen and sophomores enter AFROTC without a scholarship. Once in the AFROTC program, these students may apply for in-college scholarships. For additional information, contact the AFROTC at Samford University, (205) 726-2859.

Freshmen and sophomores are able to compete for two-year and three-year scholarships through the In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP) that provides funds for tuition, books, and a monthly tax-free stipend. Air Force scholarships cannot be used to pay for room and board.

Leadership Laboratory (LLab)

Leadership Laboratory is an integral part of the AFROTC Program. Each academic class has an associated leadership laboratory that meets for two hours each week. It provides an opportunity for students to apply classroom teachings in a military training environment. Instruction is conducted within the framework of an organized cadet corps with a progression of experiences designed to develop leadership skills. Leadership Laboratory involves a study of the life and work of Air Force junior officers. Students develop their leadership potential in a practical, supervised laboratory.

The first two years of Leadership Laboratory involve activities classified as initial leadership experiences. This includes studying Air Force customs, courtesies, drill and ceremonies; giving military commands; instructing, correcting, and evaluating the preceding skills; studying the environment of an Air Force base; and learning about career opportunities available to commissioned officers.

The last two years of LLab consist of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences. They involve planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling the military activities of the cadet corps; preparing and presenting briefings and other oral and written communications; providing interviews, guidance, and information to increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets.

Field Training

All cadets pursuing a commission through the AFROTC must complete Field Training. It is offered during the summer months at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, and normally occurs between the sophomore and junior years. It is an intense training environment designed to orient students toward service in the United States Air Force. The major areas of study include officership training, aircraft and aircrew orientation, career orientation, survival training, Air Force environment, and physical training.

Air Force ROTC Courses

Classes conducted at Samford University. Call Detachment for course schedule (205) 726-2859.

AERO 101 - The Air Force Today I (1) 
AERO 102 - The Air Force Today II (1) 
AERO 201 - Development of Air Power I (1) 
AERO 202 - Development of Air Power II (1) 
AERO 300 - Field Training (2) 
AERO 301 - Air Force Leadership and Management I (3) 
AERO 302 - Air Force Leadership and Management II (3) 
AERO 401 - National Security Policy I (3) 
AERO 402 - National Security Policy II (3)  


The Army ROTC office is located on the host campus of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Under the partnership agreement, Samford University students are eligible to participate. Any freshman or sophomore can take the Military Science (MS) 100 and 200-level courses, but only those who contract with the Army to commission upon graduation are eligible to register for MS 300 and 400-level courses. Group Physical Fitness sessions are a requirement for all MS course levels. Contact the instructor of your course for days and times. Course credits are granted on a semester credit/hour basis. Registration for the classes should be coordinated through the student’s advisor. UAB parking permits may be picked up in Samford’s Office of the Registrar.