2023-2024 Samford University Graduate Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
2023-2024 Samford University Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Divinity (Graduate)

Go to Divinity Intro  | Go to Doctoral Divinity  | Go to Programs and Course Listings

Graduate Programs and Requirements

Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (M.A.C.C.)  
Master of Arts in Theological Studies (M.A.T.S.) 
Master of Divinity (M.Div.) 
Master of Theology (Th.M.)   

Certificates (optional within the M.Div program)
Anglican Studies  
Wesleyan Studies  

Accelerated Bachelor-to-Graduate Pathway Program
Fast-Track Master of Divinity (B.A./M.Div.) with a B.A. in selected majors (see below)

Joint Degree Pathway Programs
Master of Arts in Theological Studies/Juris Doctor (M.A.T.S./J.D.)
Master of Arts in Theological Studies/Master of Social Work (M.A.T.S./M.S.W.)
Master of Divinity/Juris Doctor (M.Div./J.D.)
Master of Divinity/Master of Business Administration (M.Div./M.B.A.)
Master of Divinity/Master of Music (M.Div./M.M.)*
Master of Divinity/Master of Science in Education (M.Div./M.S.E.)*
Master of Divinity/Master of Social Work (M.Div./M.S.W.)
*This program is under review and subject to change/closure/replacement. It is currently closed to new admits.
Beeson Divinity School offers the master of arts in Christian counseling (M.A.C.C.), the master of arts in theological studies (M.A.T.S.), the master of divinity (M.Div.), and the master of theology (Th.M.). Students in the M.Div. program may also opt to complete requirements for a certificate of Anglican studies, a certificate in missions, and a certificate in Wesleyan studies.

The divinity school also offers a special bachelor-to-graduate pathway program (aka Fast-Track) for highly qualified students in select majors at Samford University: biblical studies, Christian and religious studies, Christian ministry, and human development and family science.

Additionally, the school offers several joint degree programs in cooperation with other Samford schools/departments: an M.A.T.S. or M.Div. combined with the juris doctor (J.D.) or master of social work (M.S.W.); and an M.Div. combined with the master of business administration (M.B.A.). Some credit sharing is allowed and overall credits of the combined programs are reduced.

Please refer to the Beeson Divinity School Catalog for further information on all curricular listings.

For additional information, please contact the divinity school admissions office:

Director of Admission
Beeson School of Divinity
Samford University
Birmingham, Alabama 35229
Phone: (205) 726-4606 or 1-800-888-8266
Website: https://www.beesondivinity.com/ 

Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (M.A.C.C.)

The Master of Arts in Christian Counseling (M.A.C.C.) is a theologically grounded program that equips students to counsel in a variety of environments. Graduates complete courses in biblical and theological studies and in counseling theory and practice, helping them integrate truths of the Christian faith with the best of counseling theory and practice. In addition to church and parachurch settings, graduates are prepared to work in international ministries, non-profits, and social service organizations.

Graduates of the M.A.C.C. program will:

  • Be well-grounded in the teachings of Scripture and the orthodox doctrines of the Christian Faith
  • Know how to think theologically about people and their problems
  • Have a comprehensive understanding of counseling theory and practice
  • Learn counseling skills and practice them under supervision
  • Develop skills for serious academic inquiry, life-long learning, and ongoing professional development
  • Mature in their personal faith and recognize its importance in the counseling encounter
  • Be equipped for vocational success and redemptive involvement within the Christian community and thoughtful engagement with the wider culture  

Note: This program does not prepare students for counseling licensure in the State of Alabama.

Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission must demonstrate solid commitment to the lordship of Jesus Christ, to growth in Christian character and maturity, and to embodying grace and truth in the service of others for Jesus’ sake. Applicants must affirm biblically-grounded, Trinitarian faith.

Consideration for admission will be given to applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited school, with a GPA of 3.00 or above.

Application Deadline

  • Fall Admission - Applications received between November 1 and May 1
    • Priority Deadline: February 1

Applications received by the priority deadline will be given first consideration for admission and scholarships.

Application Requirements

  • Completed online application
  • Personal faith and vocation essay
  • Two letters of recommendation: one academic recommendation (to be completed by a college- or graduate-level instructor) and one personal/character recommendation (to be completed by a pastor/minister, fellow church members, mentor, or employer who can speak to your Christian character; cannot be a family member)
  • Church endorsement (to be completed by a member of your church’s ministerial staff, a church elder, or a church clerk to verify that you are a member in good standing and regular in attendance and involvement; cannot be a family member)
  • Personal interview: Each applicant is responsible for scheduling an interview with the program director prior to the application deadline. It is recommended that your interview be completed on campus. If this is not possible, the interview may be completed via Zoom.
  • Official transcript(s) from all schools attended since high school
Transfer Credit

Students may petition to transfer up to 27 graduate credits for the M.A.C.C., which is 50% of the 54 credits required for the program.

Progression Policies

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 to remain enrolled in the program.

Time-to-Degree Completion Plan

The program is designed to be completed in two years.

Master of Arts in Theological Studies (M.A.T.S.); Master of Divinity (M.Div.); Master of Theology (Th.M.)

Beeson Divinity School of Samford University admits qualified men and women of any Christian denomination, race, color, and national or ethnic origin, without regard to physical disability. The decision to admit a student rests with the admission committee, appointed by the associate dean of the divinity school. The admission committee selects each entering class from applicants whose prior academic performance gives the strongest promise of success in the chosen degree program and whose application data and interview indicate the most promise of effective leadership in Christian ministry and compatibility with the community and spiritual life of the divinity school. Applicants for the master of arts in theological studies (M.A.T.S.) and the master of divinity (M.Div.) must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution prior to enrolling in the program. Applicants for the master of theology (Th.M.) must have a master of divinity (M.Div.) degree or its equivalent prior to enrolling in the program.

Admission Requirements

Applicants for the master of arts in theological studies (M.A.T.S.), the master of divinity (M.Div.), or and the master of theology (Th.M.)  degree must complete the following checklist items by the application deadline.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Admission - Applications received between November 1 and July 1
    • Priority Deadline: February 1
  • Spring Admission - Applications received between May 1 and December 1
    • Priority Deadline: September 1

Applications received by the priority deadline will be given first consideration for admission and scholarships.

Application Requirements

  • Completed online application 
  • Personal Faith and Vocation Essay*
  • Academic Writing Sample (Th.M. only)
  • Academic Recommendation: To be completed by a college or graduate-level instructor
  • Character Recommendation: To be completed by the applicant’s pastor, other member of the pastoral staff in a leadership capacity, campus minister, mentor or employer who can speak to the applicant’s Christian character and calling to ministry (cannot be a family member)
  • Church Endorsement: To be completed by the applicant’s senior pastor or church elder (cannot be a family member)
  • Admission Interview: Each applicant is responsible for scheduling an interview prior to the application deadline. It is recommended that your interview be completed on campus, but if this is not possible, interviews conducted remotely are acceptable. Interviews should be scheduled through the application portal.
  • Official Transcript(s) from all undergaduate and graduate (if applicable) institutions previously attended. Please see the application portal for instructions on how to send/submit transcripts.
  • $35 non-refundable fee may be paid by credit card when submitting an online application. The fee is waived for graduates of Samford University and students who come to Preview Day or on an official campus visit.

*Students applying for a Tier 1 Scholarship (M. Div. only) must also write an essay on the Apostles’ Creed and submit it by the scholarship deadline. (October 1 for spring admission and January 15 for Tier 1 Scholarship consideration.)

International Students

For international application requirements, please visit beesondivinity.com/application-process. Visit beesondivinity.com/admission and click on “Apply Now” to access the online application.

Transfer Credit

Beeson Divinity School accepts transfer credits earned at accredited graduate institutions prior to admission. Once accepted, students who desire a transfer credit evaluation should submit a letter requesting evaluation to the associate dean, along with official copies of transcripts to be evaluated and a syllabus for each course to be evaluated. No online or correspondence credit will be accepted, though students with such credits may be considered for advanced standing.

For the master of arts in theological studies (M.A.T.S.) and the master of divinity (M.Div.), Beeson Divinity School will accept for transfer from another accredited theological school no more than one-third of the credits required for the degree. All transfer credits must be applied before beginning work at Beeson Divinity School. The exact allowance of transfer credit is determined on an individual basis. Up to nine (9) hours of course work may be completed at another institution after the student has begun work at Beeson Divinity School. Non-seminary graduate courses taken before enrollment in Beeson Divinity School may be considered for possible transfer credit provided the courses were taken within three years and can be viewed reasonably as contributing to the development of an M.Div. or M.A.T.S. degree program. Such transfer credit will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Normally, no more than 12 semester credits for non-seminary graduate courses will be granted toward an M.Div. degree or six (6) credits toward a M.A.T.S. degree.

For the master of theology (Th.M.), Beeson Divinity School will accept for transfer from another accredited theological school no more than six (6) credits required for the degree. All transfer credits must be applied before beginning work at Beeson Divinity School. The exact allowance of transfer credit is determined on an individual basis. No course work may be completed at another institution after the student has begun work at Beeson Divinity School.

For course work to be eligible for transfer, a student must have received a B- or above in the course. No less than two-thirds of the required credits of study for a degree must be completed in residence at Beeson Divinity School after the student has transferred all relevant previously earned credits. All decisions on transfer credits are made by the associate dean.

Progression Policies

Students who have attempted nine (9) or more semester credits must maintain a grade point average of 2.00. Regardless of a student’s cumulative grade point average, failure to achieve a 2.00 grade point average in any semester will result in a student being placed on probation. Regardless of a student’s cumulative grade point average, failure to achieve a 2.00 grade point average in a second consecutive semester will result in that student being required to withdraw. Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00 in two consecutive semesters will be required to withdraw even if their semester grade point average has not fallen below 2.00 in two consecutive semesters.

A student who has been required to withdraw will not be eligible to apply for readmission until one full semester has elapsed. Summer and Interterm will not count as a semester for this purpose. During the time a student is required to withdraw, credit earned at another institution will not be accepted for credit toward requirements for graduation from Beeson Divinity School. Readmission is not automatic. Applications for readmission must be made to the Office of Admission for consideration by the admission committee by October 1 for spring readmission and February 15 for fall readmission.

Accelerated Bachelor-to-Graduate Pathway Program

Fast-Track Master of Divinity

Beeson Divinity School, in cooperation with the Department of Biblical and Religious Studies in Samford’s Howard College of Arts and Sciences and with the Department of Christian Ministry in Samford’s School of the Arts, offers exceptional students the opportunity to complete the bachelor of arts (B.A.) degree and the master of divinity (M.Div.) degree in a minimum of six years of full-time study rather than the typical minimum of seven years. This program of study is available only to students majoring in biblical studies, religion, religion w/a concentration in ministry leadership (in the Howard College of Arts and Sciences) and Christian ministry (in the School of the Arts).

Beeson Divinity School, in cooperation with Samford’s Orleans Beeson School of Education, offers exceptional students the opportunity to complete their bachelor of arts (B.A.) degree and the master of divinity (M.Div.) degree in a minimum of six years of full-time study rather than the typical minimum of seven years. The program of study is available only to students majoring in human development and family science.

Students interested in the accelerated B.A. to M.Div. program should seek guidance from their advisor as early as possible in their undergraduate studies. The undergraduate program of study requires completion of all university core curriculum courses, all general education requirements, and all courses required for the undergraduate major (96-98 credit hours total). Upon completion of the first 64 credit hours of undergraduate studies (or one year prior to the term in which a student wishes to begin graduate theological studies), he or she must apply for admission to the M.Div. program at Beeson Divinity School. Offers of admission are extended to applicants who demonstrate exceptional personal and spiritual maturity, a clear call and commitment to vocational Christian ministry, and strong academic performance in their undergraduate studies. If accepted, a student must complete all remaining undergraduate coursework and participate in a co-curricular program of spiritual and vocational mentoring before beginning M.Div. studies at Beeson Divinity School.

Graduate Divinity Certificates

Certificate of Anglican Studies

Students in the master of divinity (M.Div.) program preparing for service in the Anglican communion may choose to pursue a certificate of Anglican studies. The required M.Div. course DVET 701  is replaced with Anglican History and Doctrine (3) and the required M.Div. course DVHD 606  is replaced with Anglican Worship and Sacraments (3). Students must also complete the 6-hour supervised ministry practicum in an Anglican parish. For more information, please contact Dr. Jonathan Linebaugh, director of the Institute of Anglican Studies.

Certificate in Missions

Students in the master of divinity (M.Div.) program may choose to pursue a certificate in missions. Six (6) of the 12 elective credits required for the M.Div. degree must include Contemporary Issues and Strategies in Missions (3) and World Religions (3). Students must also complete the 6-hour supervised ministry practicum, engaging in cross-cultural ministry in the Birmingham area, and a cross-cultural ministry practicum of no less than six weeks outside the Birmingham area. For more information contact the Global Center at Beeson Divinity School.

Certificate of Wesleyan Studies

Students in the master of divinity (M.Div.) program preparing for service in the Weslyan community may choose to pursue a certificate of Weslyan studies. The required M.Div course DVET 701  is replaced with Weslyan History and Doctrine (3) and the required M.Div. course DVHD 606  is replaced with Weslyan Polity, Ministry, and Mission (3). Students must also complete the 6-hour supervised ministry practicum in a Weslyan community context. For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Pasquarello, Methodist Chair of Divinity.

Joint Degree Pathway Programs

Master of Arts in Theological Studies/Juris Doctor (M.A.T.S./J.D.)

The M.A.T.S./J.D. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson Divinity School and the Cumberland School of Law, allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree, thereby reducing the total number of hours for the two degrees combined. This 109-hour program takes apporximately five years to complete. Students must complete their first year of law school before beginning work in the divinity school.

Master of Arts in Theological Studies/Master of Social Work (M.A.T.S./M.S.W.)

The M.A.T.S./M.S.W. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson Divinity School and the School of Public Health, allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree, thereby reducing by 12 the total number of hours for the two degrees combined. This 85-hour program takes approximately three years to complete. Students must apply for admission to each school separately. This joint program will prepare students for ministry in settings that require theological training as well as knowledge and skills related to social service provision.

Master of Divinity/Juris Doctor (M.Div./J.D.)

The M.Div./J.D. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson Divinity School and the Cumberland School of Law, allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree, thereby reducing the total number of hours for the two degrees combined. This 150-hour program takes approximately six years to complete. Students must complete their first year of law school before beginning work in the divinity school.

Master of Divinity/Master of Business Administration (M.Div./M.B.A.)

The M.Div./M.B.A. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson Divinity School and the Brock School of Business, allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree, thereby reducing the total number of hours for the two degrees combined. The program is designed to enrich the educational opportunities available to students in the separate disciplines by encouraging interdisciplinary approaches to ministry preparation and organizational problems that directly impact churches and other religious institutions. This 108-117-hour program takes approximately five years to complete. Students interested in this joint program should apply to the Business School for admission into the M.B.A. program at the conclusion of the first year of the M.Div. program.

Master of Divinity/Master of Music (M.Div./M.M.)

The M.Div./M.M. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson Divinity School and with the School of the Arts, allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree thereby reducing the total number of hours for the two degrees combined. This 108-hour program takes approximately five years to complete. Divinity students must qualify for admission to the M.M. program no later than the beginning of the third semester of M.Div. work. (NOTE: This program is under review and subject to change/closure/replacement. It is currently closed to new admits.)

Master of Divinity/Master of Science in Education (M.Div./M.S.E.)

The M.Div./M.S.E. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson Divinity School and the Orlean Beeson School of Education allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree, thereby reducing the total number of hours for the two degrees combined. Twelve credits of education-degree coursework are accepted as part of the elective requirement of the M.Div. degree. Crossover credit from the divinity degree to the education degree is determined on a case-by-case basis, as allowed within government regulations concerning teacher certification. Students normally are required to complete the first year of the M.Div. program before beginning work in the School of Education. (NOTE: This program is under review and subject to change/closure/replacement. It is currently closed to new admits.)

Master of Divinity/Master of Social Work (M.Div./M.S.W.)

The M.Div./M.S.W. joint-degree program, offered in collaboration between the Beeson Divinity School and the School of Public Health, allows students to use credits from each school as part of the other school’s degree, thereby reducing by 18 the total number of hours for the two degrees combined. In addition, students in the M.Div./M.S.W. program are eligible to complete the required internships for both programs simultaneously in an approved church or ministry setting. Although this option does not further lower the credit requirement for either program, it does allow students to save time by completing two internship requirements simultaneously. This 135-hour program takes four to five years to complete. Students must apply for admission to each school separately. This joint program will prepare students for ministry in settings that require extensive theological training as well as knowledge and skills related to social service provision.


    MasterCertificate - Graduate


      Divinity - Anglican StudiesDivinity - Biblical FoundationDivinity - CounselingDivinity - Cross-Cultural Ministry PracticumDivinity - EthicsDivinity - EvangelismDivinity - History & DoctrineDivinity - Ministry LeadershipDivinity - MissionsDivinity - New TestamentDivinity - Old TestamentDivinity - Pastoral MinistryDivinity - Philosophy of ReligionDivinity - PreachingDivinity - Spiritual FormationDivinity - TheologyDivinity - Wesleyan Studies